San Francisco Bay Area Architecture Kappe Architects Kappe Architects Kappe Architects San Francisco Bay Area Architecture Kappe Architects Kappe Architects San Francisco Bay Area Architecture Kappe Architects San Francisco Bay Area Architecture Kappe Architects Kappe Architects San Francisco Bay Area Architecture Kappe Architects
Kappe Architects Kappe Architects Kappe Architects Kappe Architects
San Francisco Bay Area Architecture Kappe Architects Kappe Architects San Francisco Bay Area Architecture
Kappe Architects
Kappe Architects
San Francisco Bay Area Architecture
Kappe Architects Kappe Architects Kappe Architects
Kappe Architects Kappe Architects Kappe Architects Kappe Architects
Kappe Architects
      Kappe Architects
* Jiane Du, Project Designer, while with Field Paoli Architects Kappe Architects
San Francisco Bay Area Architecture Kappe Architects Kappe Architects Kappe Architects
An Innovative, Historically Sensitive Solution
Kappe Architects

This is a modernization and redesign of a national historic structure and landmark that sat empty for over a decade. The 24,000 square foot site along Van Ness now incorporates two restaurants, 50 residential lofts, a health club, street-level retail properties, and a 14-screen movie theater. The design uses the existing historical context to deliver a balanced solution that both recognizes its roots and creates a dynamic mix of residential and commercial properties.

Key Project Considerations
Kappe Architects
+ We hoped to find an architectural solution that could solve seismic issues facing the historical building without having to add frames which would obstruct the historical structure's windows, a key part of the existing architecture
San Francisco Bay Area Architecture
+ Provide for seven levels of underground parking beneath the modern addition
Kappe Architects
+ Create a design that injects a welcome degree of dynamism and life, as well as addressing the city's residential and commercial needs
San Francisco Bay Area Architecture
Project Successes Achieved Through Design
Kappe Architects
+ We retained the building's overall aesthetic by using drag-beams to transfer seismic loads from the historical structure to the modern addition
Kappe Architects
+ We took special care in the design of the newer portion of the building's façade, resulting in a modern face of the building that echoes the existing historical context and costs dramatically less than a reconstruction of the entire historic façade
Kappe Architects
+ The building's unique vertical integration of entertainment, housing, restaurants and parking provided a new prototype for development in San Francisco that both respects the city's historic past and creates safe, dynamic spaces for the future
Kappe Architects
Kappe Architects  
Kappe Architects
Kappe Architects Kappe Architects
Kappe Architects Kappe Architects
Kappe Architects